Language Model#
Create the traditinal ngram-based language model
Codes from A comprehensive guide to build your own language model in python
Training a Trigram Language Model using Reuters#
# code courtesy of
from nltk.corpus import reuters
from nltk import bigrams, trigrams
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
# Create a placeholder for model
model = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))
# Count frequency of co-occurance
for sentence in reuters.sents():
for w1, w2, w3 in trigrams(sentence, pad_right=True, pad_left=True):
model[(w1, w2)][w3] += 1
# Let's transform the counts to probabilities
for w1_w2 in model:
total_count = float(sum(model[w1_w2].values()))
for w3 in model[w1_w2]:
model[w1_w2][w3] /= total_count
CPU times: user 10.3 s, sys: 830 ms, total: 11.1 s
Wall time: 11.1 s
Check Language Model#
sorted(dict(model["the","news"]).items(), key=lambda x:-1*x[1])
[('conference', 0.25),
('of', 0.125),
('.', 0.125),
('with', 0.08333333333333333),
(',', 0.08333333333333333),
('agency', 0.08333333333333333),
('that', 0.08333333333333333),
('brought', 0.041666666666666664),
('about', 0.041666666666666664),
('broke', 0.041666666666666664),
('on', 0.041666666666666664)]
Text Generation Using the Trigram Model#
Using the trigram model to predict the next word.
The prediction is based on the predicted probability distribution of the next words: words above a predefined cut-off are randomly selected.
The text generator ends when two consecutuve None’s are predicted (signaling the end of the sentence).
# code courtesy of
import random
# starting words
text = ["the", "news"]
sentence_finished = False
while not sentence_finished:
# select a random probability threshold
r = random.random()
accumulator = .0
for word in model[tuple(text[-2:])].keys():
accumulator += model[tuple(text[-2:])][word]
# select words that are above the probability threshold
if accumulator >= r:
if text[-2:] == [None, None]:
sentence_finished = True
print (' '.join([t for t in text if t]))
the news conference that any rights Dixon might have to return to a faulty start this spring .
Issues of Ngram Language Model#
The ngram size is of key importance. The higher the order of the ngram, the better the prediction. But it comes with the issues of computation overload and data sparceness.
Unseen ngrams are always a concern.
Probability smoothing issues.
Neural Language Model#
Neural language model based on deep learning may provide a better alternative to model the probabilistic relationships of linguistic units.