• This section includes two methods to process CHILDES data: nltk and pylangacq.

  • Good for language acquisition analysis

  • NLTK can deal with the xml format of the CHILDES corpus

  • CHILDES xml is available at

DEMO_DATA_ROOT = "../../../RepositoryData/data"
import nltk
from nltk.corpus.reader import CHILDESCorpusReader
r = CHILDESCorpusReader(DEMO_DATA_ROOT+'/CHILDES_Chang1_xml', '.*.xml')
# print basic profile for each xml
for f in r.fileids()[:5]:
    cur_corpus = r.corpus(f)[0]
    print("Num of Words: {}".format(len(r.words(f))))
    print("Num of Sents: {}".format(len(r.sents(f))))
Chang1 11312/c-00007599-1 toyplay 1996-02-06
Num of Words: 1632
Num of Sents: 343
Chang1 11312/c-00007600-1 toyplay 1996-02-06
Num of Words: 864
Num of Sents: 215
Chang1 11312/c-00007601-1 toyplay 1996-02-06
Num of Words: 879
Num of Sents: 197
Chang1 11312/c-00007602-1 toyplay 1996-02-07
Num of Words: 816
Num of Sents: 144
Chang1 11312/c-00007603-1 toyplay 1996-02-07
Num of Words: 1294
Num of Sents: 200
# participants
r.participants(fileids=r.fileids()[10])[0]# first file participants
defaultdict(<function nltk.corpus.reader.childes.CHILDESCorpusReader._get_participants.<locals>.dictOfDicts()>,
            {'CHI': defaultdict(<function nltk.corpus.reader.childes.CHILDESCorpusReader._get_participants.<locals>.dictOfDicts()>,
                         {'id': 'CHI',
                          'name': '中立',
                          'role': 'Target_Child',
                          'language': 'zho',
                          'age': 'P6Y05M',
                          'sex': 'male',
                          'group': 'six',
                          'SES': 'MC',
                          'birthday': '1989-09-22'}),
             'EXP': defaultdict(<function nltk.corpus.reader.childes.CHILDESCorpusReader._get_participants.<locals>.dictOfDicts()>,
                         {'id': 'EXP',
                          'role': 'Investigator',
                          'language': 'zho'})})
all_speakers = r.participants()

for speakers_cur_file in all_speakers[:5]:
    for spid in speakers_cur_file.keys():
        cur_spid_data = speakers_cur_file[spid]
        print(spid, ": ", [(param, cur_spid_data[param]) for param in cur_spid_data.keys()] )
CHI :  [('id', 'CHI'), ('name', '爱华'), ('role', 'Target_Child'), ('language', 'zho'), ('age', 'P6Y05M'), ('sex', 'female'), ('group', 'six'), ('SES', 'MC'), ('birthday', '1989-09-25')]
EXP :  [('id', 'EXP'), ('role', 'Investigator'), ('language', 'zho')]
CHI :  [('id', 'CHI'), ('name', '建华'), ('role', 'Target_Child'), ('language', 'zho'), ('age', 'P6Y01M'), ('sex', 'male'), ('group', 'six'), ('SES', 'MC'), ('birthday', '1989-01-17')]
EXP :  [('id', 'EXP'), ('role', 'Investigator'), ('language', 'zho')]
CHI :  [('id', 'CHI'), ('name', '凯丽'), ('role', 'Target_Child'), ('language', 'zho'), ('age', 'P5Y07M'), ('sex', 'female'), ('group', 'five'), ('SES', 'MC'), ('birthday', '1990-07-10')]
EXP :  [('id', 'EXP'), ('role', 'Investigator'), ('language', 'zho')]
CHI :  [('id', 'CHI'), ('name', '志强'), ('role', 'Target_Child'), ('language', 'zho'), ('age', 'P5Y11M'), ('sex', 'male'), ('group', 'five'), ('SES', 'MC'), ('birthday', '1990-03-28')]
EXP :  [('id', 'EXP'), ('role', 'Investigator'), ('language', 'zho')]
CHI :  [('id', 'CHI'), ('name', '兰欣'), ('role', 'Target_Child'), ('language', 'zho'), ('age', 'P6Y02M'), ('sex', 'female'), ('group', 'six'), ('SES', 'MC'), ('birthday', '1989-12-24')]
EXP :  [('id', 'EXP'), ('role', 'Investigator'), ('language', 'zho')]
print(r.sents('01.xml', speaker='EXP'))
print(r.sents('01.xml', speaker='CHI')) # replace=T, stem=True
[['我们', '来', '玩', '森林', '的', '游戏'], ['哦', '这', '是', '森林', '的', '草地'], ...]
[['森林', '有', '很', '多', '树'], ['爸爸', '办公室', '有', '好', '多', '树'], ...]
# age
r.age(fileids='01.xml', month=True)
[(age, mlu)  
for f in r.fileids()
for age in r.age(fileids = f, month=True)
for mlu in r.MLU(fileids = f)
[(77, 5.5606060606060606),
 (73, 4.304347826086956),
 (67, 4.445783132530121),
 (71, 5.046511627906977),
 (74, 7.421052631578948),
 (77, 8.365853658536585),
 (71, 7.355263157894737),
 (70, 9.371428571428572),
 (67, 5.439024390243903),
 (69, 5.931677018633541),
 (77, 5.0),
 (70, 6.712328767123288),
 (48, 4.022222222222222),
 (51, 5.208791208791209),
 (52, 3.9863013698630136),
 (51, 3.8867924528301887),
 (50, 5.409638554216867),
 (42, 3.3185840707964602),
 (47, 6.27027027027027),
 (47, 3.9545454545454546),
 (49, 3.68),
 (53, 4.785714285714286),
 (46, 5.798941798941799),
 (46, 3.5090909090909093)]
import pandas

age_mlu_data = pandas.DataFrame([(age, mlu)  
for f in r.fileids()
for age in r.age(fileids = f, month=True)
for mlu in r.MLU(fileids = f)
], columns=['Age','MLU'])
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
R[write to console]: Keep up to date with changes at

R[write to console]: 
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
%%R -i age_mlu_data
age_mlu_data %>%
ggplot(aes(Age, MLU)) +
geom_point(size=2) +
geom_smooth(method="lm") +
labs(x="Child Age(Months)",y="Mean Length of Utterances (MLU)")
R[write to console]: `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

CHA file#

import pylangacq as pla
pla.__version__  # show version number
nccu = pla.read_chat(DEMO_DATA_ROOT+'/CHILDES_NCCU/transcript/*.cha')
print('Corpus Size:', len(nccu.words()))
Corpus Size: 171254
all_headers= nccu.headers()
 {'UTF8': '',
  'PID': '11312/a-00005099-1',
  'Languages': 'zho, nan, eng',
  'Participants': {'F': {'participant_name': 'Participant',
    'language': 'zho',
    'corpus': 'TaiwanMandarin',
    'age': '49;',
    'sex': 'female',
    'group': '',
    'SES': 'Asian',
    'participant_role': 'Participant',
    'education': '',
    'custom': 'Wife'},
   'M': {'participant_name': 'Participant',
    'language': 'zho',
    'corpus': 'TaiwanMandarin',
    'age': '50;',
    'sex': 'male',
    'group': '',
    'SES': 'Asian',
    'participant_role': 'Participant',
    'education': '',
    'custom': 'Husband'}},
  'Options': 'CA-Unicode',
  'Media': 'M018, audio, unlinked',
  'Comment': 'Please use the slider at the left to control media playback.',
  'Date': ['11-OCT-2008']})
[(('對', '對', '對'), 210),
 (('然後', '我', '就'), 137),
 (('我', '不', '知道'), 129),
 (('⌊', '對', '啊'), 119),
 (('有', '一', '個'), 113),
 (('對', '啊', '⌋'), 109),
 (('⌊', 'um', '⌋'), 108),
 (('我', '就', '說'), 90),
 (('真', '的', '很'), 76),
 (('他', '就', '說'), 71)]
for line in [' '.join(sent) for sent in nccu.sents()[:10]]:
反正 就 我 覺得 喔 就 現在 小學生 程度 差 真 的 很 誇張 我 教 的 那個 我 教 的 那個 小五 跟 我 上次 上次 教到 的 ⌈ 那個 小五 ⌉
⌊ 對 對 那個 ⌋ 那個
一樣 喔 我 那個 學生 是 他 學 那個 何嘉仁 已經 那個 程度 太 高 了 他 跟不上 才 請 家教 我 上次 去 那個 瑛如 他們 那個 是 那個 課本 太 難 他 完全 看不懂 他 連 you I 都 看不懂 然後 我 那個 學生 是 課本 太 簡單 了 瞄 兩下 單字 背 一下 就好 那 我們 先 把 這 簡單 的 課本 放到 旁邊 去 我們 來 看 何嘉仁 是 這樣子 耶 差 好 多 喔 然後 看了 有 點 心酸 吶 ⌈ 可 那 沒 辦法 ⌉
⌊ 可 那 沒 辦 ⌋ .
沒 辦法
對 呀 因為 這 並 不是 老師 有時候 我 覺得 老師 其實 能 做 的
而且 ⌈ 一 個 禮拜 ⌉ 才 一 次 耶
⌊ 大概 有 ⌋
⌈ 一 次 ⌉
⌊ 一 個 禮拜 ⌋ 一 次 真的 很 少 ⌈ 家教 都 ⌉ /.