LangChain Application: YouTube Summary#


from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.document_loaders import YoutubeLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import tiktoken
import os

Environment Variables and OPENAI API#

  • Save personal API key in .env file and use load_dotenv() to load environment variables.

  • Specify OPENAI_API_KEY in the self-defined .env.


Loading YouTube#

  • LangChain offers many loaders and transforms various inputs into standardized Document format.


Check the official documentation of Document Loaders for more detail.

## Specify a youtube link
loader = YoutubeLoader.from_youtube_url('')
doc = loader.load()
<class 'langchain_core.documents.base.Document'>
{'source': '_BMAkffp2CA'}
transcript= doc[0].page_content

now we've been reporting in the last half hour those new lines coming out from the White House Israel agreeing to 4H hour military pauses in Northern Gaza also information about two humanitarian corridors to allow people to flee the hostilities so let's head to Washington let's talk to our state department correspondent Barbara PL Usher and Barbara tell us more then in terms of what the Americans have been saying in the last little while what they have said is that they've reached agreement with the Israelis to have a 4-Hour pause every day um in order to allow Palestinians in Northern Gaza which is where the main military operation is to flee safely to the South and they Israel we have been told would give a three-hour notice every day when that pause would be uh and the Palestinians if they wanted to leave would be taking uh safe passage corridors which reportedly have actually been um operating for several days now but now they would have um a cessation of military operations um for them to take those corridors safely to the South so that's the that's the announcement um they uh the White House is hoping to be able to use such pauses to get more Aid into Gaza um they're hoping to get up to 150 trucks daily of Aid that hasn't happened yet and also ultimately um perhaps to use pauses to um facilitate the release of hostages now it was reported uh previously that President Biden had asked the Israeli Prime Minister for a three-day pause uh in order to facilitate hostage release but also to get you know significant amounts of Aid in um so he's just been asked if that was indeed the case and he has said yes in fact he asked Mr Netanyahu for longer than a three-day pause and when he was asked whether he was frustrated with the Israeli Prime Minister he said this has taken longer than I expected it to um so you know read into that what you like but this is definitely something that the Americans have been pushing uh relentlessly through the president through their special Envoy on the ground through the Secretary of State to try to get uh not a ceasefire uh but breaks in the fighting in order to get Aid in and to help Palestinian civilians get to Safe areas Barbara as you were talking I know in the last few minutes Joe Biden has talked to reporters there at the White House before heading off to the helicopter and exactly as you were reporting there was asked about that three-day pause for Gaza and a pause much longer to try to get hostages out so we will actually play for viewers that clip here in just a moment or two but quite clearly in terms of the pressure from Washington on Israel's prime minister it is upping yeah I mean you have seen the evolution of the the the rhetoric and the pressure from uh from Washington over the past month as the situation has changed as the uh military operation has led to the kill in of thousands of Palestinians as the humanitarian crisis has grown completely dire as the uh un humanitarian officials said last week uh there is no more life sustaining functions in Gaza and so uh the Americans while they support the Israeli stance that there cannot be a ceasefire at this point because they say that would benefit Hamas allow it to regroup they have really been pressing for a break in the fighting in order to address this dire situation to get a significant amount of Aid in but also again to try to get the hostages released and there's been reports floating around uh lately about perhaps a deal in the making we can't confirm that but those those talks are very active so most definitely the pressure for some kind of break in the fighting longer than an hour or two which is what Mr Netanyahu referred to in an interview earlier this week long enough to actually get something done uh has been coming from the White House and from the state department Barbara pleas user there in Washington thanks very much for that

Counting Tokens#

def count_tokens(string: str, model: str = "gpt-4") -> int:
    """Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""
    encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model)
    num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))
    return num_tokens
model="gpt-4" ## if you cannot use `gpt-4`, use `gpt-3.5-turbo` then.

count_tokens(transcript, model)

Summarizing YouTube#

  • Now we can make use of LangChain to generate the summary of the video content.

  • Three steps:

    • Create a prompt template for summary

    • Add the current transcript to the template

    • Pass it to the LLM for summarization

llm = ChatOpenAI(model=model, temperature=0.6)
## Prompt Template

SUMMARY_PROMPT = """Summarize the video with the transcript delimited by triple backticks in a concise and natural way. \
Present the summaries in the form of 5 key takeaways. \
Transcript: ```{transcript}```"""

SUMMARY_PROMPT2 = """Summarize the video with the transcript delimited by triple backticks in Mandarin Chinese. \
    Present the summaries in the form of 5 key takeways. \
        Transcript: ```{transcript}```"""
def summarize_video(transcript, template=SUMMARY_PROMPT, model="gpt-3.5-turbo"):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template)
    # passing the transcript to the template
    formatted_prompt = prompt.format_messages(transcript=transcript)

    # initialize model
    llm = ChatOpenAI(model=model, temperature=0.1)
    # generate summary
    summary = llm.invoke(formatted_prompt)
    return summary
summary = summarize_video(transcript=transcript)
Key Takeaways:
1. The White House and Israel have agreed to 4-hour military pauses in Northern Gaza to allow Palestinians to flee safely to the South.
2. The pauses are also intended to facilitate the delivery of aid into Gaza and potentially help in the release of hostages.
3. President Biden had asked for a longer pause than 3 days, showing frustration with the delay in reaching an agreement.
4. The pressure from Washington on Israel's Prime Minister to agree to longer breaks in the fighting has been increasing as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens.
5. The focus is on getting aid into Gaza, addressing the dire situation, and potentially securing the release of hostages through diplomatic efforts.
summary2 = summarize_video(transcript=transcript, template=SUMMARY_PROMPT2)

1. 美国与以色列达成协议,每天进行4小时的军事停火,以便让北加沙的巴勒斯坦人安全地向南逃离。
2. 白宫希望利用停火来向加沙运送更多援助物资,每天希望能够送达150辆卡车的援助物资。
3. 总统拜登曾要求以色列总理进行为期三天的停火,以便释放人质和运送更多援助物资。
4. 美国一直在向以色列施加压力,希望获得更长时间的停火,以解决加沙的人道危机和释放人质。
5. 白宫和国务院一直在努力争取停火,以便向加沙运送援助物资,并帮助巴勒斯坦平民前往安全地区。

Chat with the YouTube Content#

## Pretrained embedding models
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
def create_db_from_youtube_video_url(video_url: str) -> FAISS:
    ## document loader
    loader = YoutubeLoader.from_youtube_url(video_url)
    transcript = loader.load()
    ## text splitter
    text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
    docs = text_splitter.split_documents(transcript)
    ## vector store
    db = FAISS.from_documents(docs, embeddings)
    return db

def get_response_from_query(db, query, k=4):
    gpt-3.5-turbo can handle up to 4097 tokens. Setting the chunksize to 1000 and k to 4 maximizes
    the number of tokens to analyze.

    ## vector store simlarity check
    docs = db.similarity_search(query, k=k)
    docs_page_content = " ".join([d.page_content for d in docs])

    ## LLM 
    llm = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo")

    ## Prompt
    prompt = PromptTemplate(
        input_variables=["question", "docs"],
        You are a helpful assistant that that can answer questions about youtube videos 
        based on the video's transcript.
        Answer the following question: {question}
        By searching the following video transcript: {docs}
        Only use the factual information from the transcript to answer the question.
        If you feel like you don't have enough information to answer the question, say "I don't know".
        Your answers should be verbose and detailed.

    ## Chain
    # chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)
    chain = prompt | llm
    ## Invoke
    # response = chain.invoke(question=query, docs=docs_page_content)
    response = chain.invoke({"question": query, "docs": docs_page_content})

    return response.content, docs
db = create_db_from_youtube_video_url(video_url= '')
get_response_from_query(db=db, query="Summarize the talk in 50 words.")
("The talk discusses the speaker's lifelong involvement in education, highlighting the importance of human connection in learning. They emphasize the impact educators can have on students' lives by building relationships and showing care and support. Personal anecdotes about the speaker's mother's dedication to her students further illustrate this point. Through these stories, the speaker emphasizes the transformative power of education and the role educators play in shaping students' lives.",
 [Document(page_content="Transcriber: Joseph Geni\nReviewer: Morton Bast I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse,\non the way to the schoolhouse, or talking about what happens\nin the schoolhouse. (Laughter) Both my parents were educators, my maternal grandparents were educators, and for the past 40 years,\nI've done the same thing. And so, needless to say, over those years I've had a chance\nto look at education reform from a lot of perspectives. Some of those reforms have been good. Some of them have been not so good. And we know why kids drop out. We know why kids don't learn. It's either poverty, low attendance, negative peer influences... We know why. But one of the things\nthat we never discuss or we rarely discuss is the value and importance\nof human connection. Relationships. James Comer says\nthat no significant learning can occur without\na significant relationship. George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone in this room has been affected", metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content='to show the other classes how to do it, so when\nwe walk down the hall, people will notice us,\nso you can\'t make noise. You just have to strut." (Laughter) And I gave them a saying to say: "I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I\'ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go." And they said, "Yeah!" (Laughter) You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you. (Applause) I gave a quiz, 20 questions. A student missed 18. I put a "+2" on his paper\nand a big smiley face. (Laughter) He said, "Ms. Pierson, is this an F?" I said, "Yes." (Laughter) He said, "Then why\'d you\nput a smiley face?" I said, "Because you\'re on a roll. You got two right.\nYou didn\'t miss them all." (Laughter) I said, "And when we review this,\nwon\'t you do better?" He said, "Yes, ma\'am, I can do better." You see, "-18" sucks', metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content="the best that they can possibly be. Is this job tough? You betcha. Oh God, you betcha. But it is not impossible. We can do this. We're educators. We're born to make a difference. Thank you so much. (Applause)", metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content='won\'t you do better?" He said, "Yes, ma\'am, I can do better." You see, "-18" sucks\nall the life out of you. "+2" said, "I ain\'t all bad." For years, I watched my mother\ntake the time at recess to review, go on home visits in the afternoon, buy combs and brushes\nand peanut butter and crackers to put in her desk drawer\nfor kids that needed to eat, and a washcloth and some soap\nfor the kids who didn\'t smell so good. See, it\'s hard to teach kids who stink. (Laughter) And kids can be cruel. And so she kept those things in her desk, and years later, after she retired, I watched some of those\nsame kids come through and say to her, "You know, Ms. Walker, you made a difference in my life. You made it work for me. You made me feel like I was somebody, when I knew, at the bottom, I wasn\'t. And I want you to just\nsee what I\'ve become." And when my mama died two years ago at 92, there were so many former\nstudents at her funeral, it brought tears to my eyes,', metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'})])
get_response_from_query(db=db, query = "How much does the speaker like teaching?", k = 1)
("Based on the transcript provided, it is clear that the speaker values building relationships with students and believes that teaching goes beyond just delivering a lesson. The speaker emphasizes the importance of liking the kids they teach, as they mention that kids don't learn from people they don't like. This indicates that the speaker values the connection and relationship they have with their students. \n\nFurthermore, the speaker mentions that they taught a lesson on ratios, showing that they are actively engaged in the teaching process and are willing to put effort into creating engaging and effective lessons for their students. This demonstrates a genuine passion for teaching and a desire to see their students succeed.\n\nOverall, based on the transcript, it can be inferred that the speaker highly values teaching and the relationships they build with their students. They believe that liking the kids they teach is crucial for effective learning to take place.",
 [Document(page_content='by a teacher or an adult. For years, I have watched people teach. I have looked at the best\nand I\'ve looked at some of the worst. A colleague said to me one time, "They don\'t pay me to like the kids. They pay me to teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it, they should learn it, Case closed." Well, I said to her, "You know, kids don\'t learn\nfrom people they don\'t like." (Laughter) (Applause) She said, "That\'s just a bunch of hooey." And I said to her, "Well, your year is going to be\nlong and arduous, dear." Needless to say, it was. Some people think that you can either\nhave it in you to build a relationship, or you don\'t. I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He said you ought to just\nthrow in a few simple things, like seeking first to understand, as opposed to being understood. Simple things, like apologizing. You ever thought about that? Tell a kid you\'re sorry, they\'re in shock. (Laughter) I taught a lesson once on ratios. I\'m not real good with math,', metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'})])
get_response_from_query(db=db, query = "Identify examples of teaching given by the speaker.", k = 5)
("The speaker in the video provides several examples of teaching throughout the transcript. Firstly, the speaker mentions watching people teach for years, observing both the best and the worst methods. They also talk about the importance of building relationships with students, mentioning the significance of seeking to understand them and apologizing when necessary. The speaker recounts teaching a lesson on ratios, despite not being confident in their math abilities, demonstrating their dedication to educating their students. Additionally, the speaker describes a moment when a student performed poorly on a quiz, but instead of focusing on the negative grade, the speaker highlighted the two questions the student answered correctly, showing encouragement and positivity. The speaker also reflects on a difficult class they had, expressing their emotional struggle to help the students improve academically and raise their self-esteem simultaneously. Furthermore, the speaker shares a story about a student's funeral, emphasizing the lasting impact of relationships and connections formed with students. Overall, the examples provided by the speaker showcase their commitment to teaching, building relationships with students, and fostering a positive learning environment.",
 [Document(page_content='by a teacher or an adult. For years, I have watched people teach. I have looked at the best\nand I\'ve looked at some of the worst. A colleague said to me one time, "They don\'t pay me to like the kids. They pay me to teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it, they should learn it, Case closed." Well, I said to her, "You know, kids don\'t learn\nfrom people they don\'t like." (Laughter) (Applause) She said, "That\'s just a bunch of hooey." And I said to her, "Well, your year is going to be\nlong and arduous, dear." Needless to say, it was. Some people think that you can either\nhave it in you to build a relationship, or you don\'t. I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He said you ought to just\nthrow in a few simple things, like seeking first to understand, as opposed to being understood. Simple things, like apologizing. You ever thought about that? Tell a kid you\'re sorry, they\'re in shock. (Laughter) I taught a lesson once on ratios. I\'m not real good with math,', metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content="Transcriber: Joseph Geni\nReviewer: Morton Bast I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse,\non the way to the schoolhouse, or talking about what happens\nin the schoolhouse. (Laughter) Both my parents were educators, my maternal grandparents were educators, and for the past 40 years,\nI've done the same thing. And so, needless to say, over those years I've had a chance\nto look at education reform from a lot of perspectives. Some of those reforms have been good. Some of them have been not so good. And we know why kids drop out. We know why kids don't learn. It's either poverty, low attendance, negative peer influences... We know why. But one of the things\nthat we never discuss or we rarely discuss is the value and importance\nof human connection. Relationships. James Comer says\nthat no significant learning can occur without\na significant relationship. George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone in this room has been affected", metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content='to show the other classes how to do it, so when\nwe walk down the hall, people will notice us,\nso you can\'t make noise. You just have to strut." (Laughter) And I gave them a saying to say: "I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I\'ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go." And they said, "Yeah!" (Laughter) You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you. (Applause) I gave a quiz, 20 questions. A student missed 18. I put a "+2" on his paper\nand a big smiley face. (Laughter) He said, "Ms. Pierson, is this an F?" I said, "Yes." (Laughter) He said, "Then why\'d you\nput a smiley face?" I said, "Because you\'re on a roll. You got two right.\nYou didn\'t miss them all." (Laughter) I said, "And when we review this,\nwon\'t you do better?" He said, "Yes, ma\'am, I can do better." You see, "-18" sucks', metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content='but I was working on it. (Laughter) And I got back and looked\nat that teacher edition. I\'d taught the whole lesson wrong. (Laughter) So I came back to class\nthe next day and I said, "Look, guys, I need to apologize. I taught the whole lesson wrong.\nI\'m so sorry." They said, "That\'s okay, Ms. Pierson. You were so excited, we just let you go." I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient, that I cried. I wondered, "How am I\ngoing to take this group, in nine months, from where they are\nto where they need to be? And it was difficult, it was awfully hard. How do I raise the self-esteem of a child and his academic achievement\nat the same time? One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, "You were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students, they put us all together so we could show\neverybody else how to do it." One of the students said, "Really?" (Laughter) I said, "Really. We have', metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'}),
  Document(page_content="students at her funeral, it brought tears to my eyes,\nnot because she was gone, but because she left\na legacy of relationships that could never disappear. Can we stand to have more relationships? Absolutely. Will you like all your children?\nOf course not. (Laughter) And you know your toughest\nkids are never absent. (Laughter) Never. You won't like them all, and the tough ones show up for a reason. It's the connection.\nIt's the relationships. So teachers become\ngreat actors and great actresses, and we come to work\nwhen we don't feel like it, and we're listening to policy\nthat doesn't make sense, and we teach anyway. We teach anyway,\nbecause that's what we do. Teaching and learning should bring joy. How powerful would our world be if we had kids who were\nnot afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a champion? Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become", metadata={'source': 'SFnMTHhKdkw'})])

An Integrated YouTube Summarizer#

  • Context window of the models:

    • gpt-3.5-turbo: 4,096 tokens

    • gpt-4: 8,192 tokens

    • gpt-4-32k: 32,768 tokens

    • gpt-4-turbo: 128,000 tokens

def get_transcript(url: str) -> str:
    Returns the transcript and title from a YouTube URL.

    url (str): The YouTube URL from which the transcript and title will be extracted.

    transcript (str): The transcript of the video.
        loader = YoutubeLoader.from_youtube_url(url, add_video_info=True)
        docs = loader.load()
        if docs:
            doc = docs[0]
            transcript = doc.page_content
            return transcript
            return None
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Failed to load transcript and title from URL {url}: {e}")
        return None
TEMPLATE_PROMPT = """Summarize the video with the transcript delimited by triple backticks. \n
Answer the questions delimited by single backticks. If no questions provided, just create a general summary. \n
Questions: ` {questions} ` \n
Transcript: ```{transcript}```"""
def summarize_with_questions(transcript, questions, model):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(TEMPLATE_PROMPT)
    formatted_prompt = prompt.format_messages(transcript=transcript, questions=questions)
    print("Formatted prompt: ", formatted_prompt)
    llm = ChatOpenAI(model=model, temperature=0.6)
    summary = llm.invoke(formatted_prompt)
    return summary
def summarize_from_url(url, questions):
    transcript = get_transcript(url)
    token_count = count_tokens(transcript)
    # select model
    if token_count < 6000:
        model = "gpt-4"
    elif token_count < 30000:
        model = "gpt-4-32k"
        return f"Summary unavailable for transcripts over 30k tokens. Your transcript has {token_count} tokens."
    summary = summarize_with_questions(transcript, questions, model)
    return summary
# example videos
urls = [
url = urls[0]
questions = "What is the main idea of the news coverage?"

summary = summarize_from_url(url, questions)
now we've been reporting in the last half hour those new lines coming out from the White House Israel agreeing to 4H hour military pauses in Northern Gaza also information about two humanitarian corridors to allow people to flee the hostilities so let's head to Washington let's talk to our state department correspondent Barbara PL Usher and Barbara tell us more then in terms of what the Americans have been saying in the last little while what they have said is that they've reached agreement with the Israelis to have a 4-Hour pause every day um in order to allow Palestinians in Northern Gaza which is where the main military operation is to flee safely to the South and they Israel we have been told would give a three-hour notice every day when that pause would be uh and the Palestinians if they wanted to leave would be taking uh safe passage corridors which reportedly have actually been um operating for several days now but now they would have um a cessation of military operations um for them to take those corridors safely to the South so that's the that's the announcement um they uh the White House is hoping to be able to use such pauses to get more Aid into Gaza um they're hoping to get up to 150 trucks daily of Aid that hasn't happened yet and also ultimately um perhaps to use pauses to um facilitate the release of hostages now it was reported uh previously that President Biden had asked the Israeli Prime Minister for a three-day pause uh in order to facilitate hostage release but also to get you know significant amounts of Aid in um so he's just been asked if that was indeed the case and he has said yes in fact he asked Mr Netanyahu for longer than a three-day pause and when he was asked whether he was frustrated with the Israeli Prime Minister he said this has taken longer than I expected it to um so you know read into that what you like but this is definitely something that the Americans have been pushing uh relentlessly through the president through their special Envoy on the ground through the Secretary of State to try to get uh not a ceasefire uh but breaks in the fighting in order to get Aid in and to help Palestinian civilians get to Safe areas Barbara as you were talking I know in the last few minutes Joe Biden has talked to reporters there at the White House before heading off to the helicopter and exactly as you were reporting there was asked about that three-day pause for Gaza and a pause much longer to try to get hostages out so we will actually play for viewers that clip here in just a moment or two but quite clearly in terms of the pressure from Washington on Israel's prime minister it is upping yeah I mean you have seen the evolution of the the the rhetoric and the pressure from uh from Washington over the past month as the situation has changed as the uh military operation has led to the kill in of thousands of Palestinians as the humanitarian crisis has grown completely dire as the uh un humanitarian officials said last week uh there is no more life sustaining functions in Gaza and so uh the Americans while they support the Israeli stance that there cannot be a ceasefire at this point because they say that would benefit Hamas allow it to regroup they have really been pressing for a break in the fighting in order to address this dire situation to get a significant amount of Aid in but also again to try to get the hostages released and there's been reports floating around uh lately about perhaps a deal in the making we can't confirm that but those those talks are very active so most definitely the pressure for some kind of break in the fighting longer than an hour or two which is what Mr Netanyahu referred to in an interview earlier this week long enough to actually get something done uh has been coming from the White House and from the state department Barbara pleas user there in Washington thanks very much for that
Formatted prompt:  [HumanMessage(content="Summarize the video with the transcript delimited by triple backticks. \n\nAnswer the questions delimited by single backticks. If no questions provided, just create a general summary. \n\nQuestions: ` What is the main idea of the news coverage? ` \n\nTranscript: ```now we've been reporting in the last half hour those new lines coming out from the White House Israel agreeing to 4H hour military pauses in Northern Gaza also information about two humanitarian corridors to allow people to flee the hostilities so let's head to Washington let's talk to our state department correspondent Barbara PL Usher and Barbara tell us more then in terms of what the Americans have been saying in the last little while what they have said is that they've reached agreement with the Israelis to have a 4-Hour pause every day um in order to allow Palestinians in Northern Gaza which is where the main military operation is to flee safely to the South and they Israel we have been told would give a three-hour notice every day when that pause would be uh and the Palestinians if they wanted to leave would be taking uh safe passage corridors which reportedly have actually been um operating for several days now but now they would have um a cessation of military operations um for them to take those corridors safely to the South so that's the that's the announcement um they uh the White House is hoping to be able to use such pauses to get more Aid into Gaza um they're hoping to get up to 150 trucks daily of Aid that hasn't happened yet and also ultimately um perhaps to use pauses to um facilitate the release of hostages now it was reported uh previously that President Biden had asked the Israeli Prime Minister for a three-day pause uh in order to facilitate hostage release but also to get you know significant amounts of Aid in um so he's just been asked if that was indeed the case and he has said yes in fact he asked Mr Netanyahu for longer than a three-day pause and when he was asked whether he was frustrated with the Israeli Prime Minister he said this has taken longer than I expected it to um so you know read into that what you like but this is definitely something that the Americans have been pushing uh relentlessly through the president through their special Envoy on the ground through the Secretary of State to try to get uh not a ceasefire uh but breaks in the fighting in order to get Aid in and to help Palestinian civilians get to Safe areas Barbara as you were talking I know in the last few minutes Joe Biden has talked to reporters there at the White House before heading off to the helicopter and exactly as you were reporting there was asked about that three-day pause for Gaza and a pause much longer to try to get hostages out so we will actually play for viewers that clip here in just a moment or two but quite clearly in terms of the pressure from Washington on Israel's prime minister it is upping yeah I mean you have seen the evolution of the the the rhetoric and the pressure from uh from Washington over the past month as the situation has changed as the uh military operation has led to the kill in of thousands of Palestinians as the humanitarian crisis has grown completely dire as the uh un humanitarian officials said last week uh there is no more life sustaining functions in Gaza and so uh the Americans while they support the Israeli stance that there cannot be a ceasefire at this point because they say that would benefit Hamas allow it to regroup they have really been pressing for a break in the fighting in order to address this dire situation to get a significant amount of Aid in but also again to try to get the hostages released and there's been reports floating around uh lately about perhaps a deal in the making we can't confirm that but those those talks are very active so most definitely the pressure for some kind of break in the fighting longer than an hour or two which is what Mr Netanyahu referred to in an interview earlier this week long enough to actually get something done uh has been coming from the White House and from the state department Barbara pleas user there in Washington thanks very much for that```")]
content="The main idea of the news coverage is the agreement reached by Israel to implement a daily four-hour pause in military operations in Northern Gaza. This agreement, brokered by the United States, is intended to provide safe passage for Palestinians to flee the hostilities. Israel will give a three-hour notice each day when this pause will occur. The U.S. hopes to use these pauses to deliver more aid to Gaza, aiming to send up to 150 trucks daily, and possibly facilitate the release of hostages. The news coverage also mentions that President Biden had previously asked the Israeli Prime Minister for a longer pause, and he expressed frustration that the situation has taken longer than expected. Despite supporting Israel's stance that a ceasefire would benefit Hamas, the U.S. is pressing for a break in the fighting to address the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza."


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