Sequence Models Intuition#

  • In deep learning NLP, sequence models are often the most widely adopted methods.

  • In this tutorial, we will go over the intuitions of sequence models.

Why Sequence Models?#

  • Humans process texts in a sequential order (from left to right).

  • When we process texts and make classification, we utilize our reasoning about previous sequences to inform later decision making.

  • Recurrent neural network (RNN) addresses this issue by implementing networks with loops that allow information to persist.

  • The loop allows information to be passed from the previous time step to the next time step.

Neural Network#

  • Neural network expects an numeric input, i.e., a numeric representation of the input text/word.

  • So the first step in deep learning is the same as traditional ML, which is text vectorization.

  • And because a sequence model like RNN eats in one word at a time, word vectorization is necessary and crucial.

Word Representations in Sequence Models#

  • Like in traditional machine learning, feature engineering is crucial to the success of the computational modeling.

  • Of particular importance is the transformation of each text/word into numeric representation that has a significant portion of its semantics.

  • One-hot encoding is the simplest way to represent texts/words numerically.

  • If the corpus vocabulary size is V, each word can be represented as a vector of size V, with its corresponding dimension to be the value of 1 and the rest being 0’s.

  • A text can also be represented as a vector of size V, with each dimension to be the occurrence (or frequencies) of the words on each dimension (i.e., bag-of-words text vectorization).

  • The main problem with this one-hot encoding of words is that the semantic distances in-between words are all the same, i.e., \(D(mice,rats)=D(mice, horses)= 0\).

Word Embeddings#

  • Now via neural network, we can learn word embeddings automatically. (See Word Embeddings lecture notes).

  • These word embeddings allows us to perform computation of lexical semantics.

import sklearn
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import numpy as np

mice = np.array([0.2,0.0, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0])
rats = np.array([0.2,0.1,0.9, 0.3,0.0])
horses = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.1,0.9,0.8])
cosine_similarity([mice, rats, horses])
array([[1.        , 0.97575491, 0.16937447],
       [0.97575491, 1.        , 0.30567806],
       [0.16937447, 0.30567806, 1.        ]])

From One-hot to Embeddings#

  • Therefore, we often add Embedding Layer as the first layer of a sequence model to render all lexical items in a text into semantically informative embeddings (vectors).

  • Weights of the Embedding Layer can be trained along with the sequence model of the downstream NLP task.

  • Or alternatively, we can use pre-trained word embeddings, which were trained in a different task based on a much larger corpus.

  • This is how an Embedding Layer works in keras.layers.Embedding:

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Language Model#

  • Words, as vectorized into embeddings, can now be the input tensors for a RNN.

  • Moreover, we can create a RNN-based language model.

  • A language model has two main objectives in its NLP applications:

    • To estimate the probability of a given sentence (or any other meaningful linguistic units)

    • To predict the upcoming word given the previous limited linguistic inputs

  • The RNN Langage model takes in one word at a time at each timestep and returns a tensor as the output (hidden state).

  • And the output at timestep i becomes the input of the RNN at timestep i+1.

How do we compute the loss of the RNN LM?#

  • To evaluate the language model, we know the correct next-word, and we have the output tensor from the RNN, we just need a method to compute the difference.

    • First, we convert the correct answer (next word) into one-hot encoding.

    • Second, we make sure that our RNN LM returns a vector of the same size as the one-hot word vector.

    • Finally, we compute the loss using cross-entropy.

  • For example, if the target next word is dog, whose one-hot representation is [0, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 0], and the RNN LM predicted \(\hat{y}\) is [0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], we can compute the cross-entropy at this time step as follows.

\[ E = - \sum_{k}t_k \log{y_k} \]
  • \(k\): refers to the dimensions of the one-hot vectors

  • \(t\): refers to the target next-word vector

  • \(y\): refers to the predicted \(\hat{y}\) from the RNN LM

def cross_entropy(y, t):
    delta = 1e-7
    return -np.sum(t * np.log(y + delta))

t = [0, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 0]
y = [0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]

cross_entropy(np.array(y), np.array(t))
  • And we compute the average cross-entropy loss values across all time steps for a particular sample (i.e., for the entire input sequence).

\[ E = - \frac{1}{N}\sum_n\sum_{k}t_{nk} \log{y_{nk}} \]
  • \(N\): the number of words in the input text

  • We can also compute the average cross-entropy error for samples of a batch size.

  • We can also compute the average cross-entropy error for the entire training set.

Back Propogation (skipped)#

  • With the defined loss function, we can learn how good our current model is in the training process (i.e., the distance between the true target and the predicted label).

  • In deep learning, we can use back propogation to find out:

    • how each parameter of the RNN LM is connected to the loss function

    • or, which parameter of the RNN LM contributes to the change of the loss function more

    • And therefore, we can adjust the parameters of the RNN LM accordingly.

    • The algorithm often used is called gradient descent

Types of Gradient Descent (skipped)#

As we can compute the cross entropy in different ways, we can perform the gradient descent in different ways as well.

  • Batch Gradient Descent: Update the model weights after we get the average cross entropy of all the sequences in the entire training set (as one epoch).

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD): Update the model weights after we get the cross entropy of every sequence of the training set (across all time steps of course) (online).

  • Mini-batch Gradient Descent: Update the model weights after we get the average cross entropy of a subset of the sequences in the training set. (Recommended!)

From Vanilla RNN to LSTM and GRU#

Issues with Vanilla RNN#

  • An RNN on a sequence of words can be taken as a very deep neural network, where the depths of the network are the number of time steps of the sequence.

  • In back propagation, for longer sequences, we would run into the vanishing gradient problems.

  • Simply put, the gradients would become smaller and smaller as we back propagate further back to the previous time steps of the sequence.

  • The further back the weights are, the more likely their gradients would approach zero.

Why is vanishing gradient an issue?#

If the gradient becomes vanishingly small over longer distances:

  • it is more difficult for RNN to learn the long-distance dependency relations between different time steps in the sequence.

  • it is less likely that RNN would learn to preserve information over many timesteps.

  • it is more likely that RNN would pay more attention to the effects of the recent time steps (i.e., biasing the RNN towards learning from sequential recency).

LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory)#

  • Vanilla RNN


  • LSTM


  • For every time step, LSTM keeps track of two states: a hidden state and a cell state

    • Both are of the vector length \(n\) same as the node/neuron number of the LSTM.

    • The cell state stores long-term information in the sequence.

    • The LSTM can erase, write and read information from the cell.

  • The selection of which information is erased/written/read is controlled by three corresponding gates.

    • There are three gates in LSTM: output, input, and forget gates.

    • The gates are also of the vector length \(n\) same as the node/neuron number of the LSTM.

    • On each time step, each element of the gates can be open(1),closed(0),or somewhere in-between.

    • The gates are dynamic: their value is computed based on the current cell state, hidden state, and the input x.

  • LSTM gates:

    • Input gate controls how much of the input (\(X_t\)) is used in computing the new cell state (\(C_t\))

    • Output gate determines how much of the new cell state (\(C_t\)) is used in the output hidden state

    • Forget gate determines how much of the old cell state (\(C_{t-1}\)) is used in the new cell state (\(C_t\)).

GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit)#

  • Proposed by Cho et al. in 2014 as a simpler alternative to the LSTM.

  • On each time step, GRU keeps track of only the hidden state (no cell state).

  • GRU



  • LSTM is more complex than GRU.

  • LSTM is a good default choice (especially if our data has particularly long dependencies, or we have lots of training data)

  • We may switch to GRU for speed and fewer parameters.

Variations of Sequence Models#

Sequence Models#

  • Most of the NLP tasks are sequence-to-sequence problems.

  • Depending on the nature of the tasks as well as their inputs and outputs, we can classify sequence models into four types:

    • Many-to-Many

    • Many-to-One

    • One-to-Many

    • Many-to-Many

Many to Many (Same lengths for input and output sequences)#

  • Most of the tagging problems fall into this category (e.g., POS Tagging, Word Segmentation, Named Entity Recognition)

Many to One#

  • Most of the classification problems fall into this category.

One to Many#

  • Text Generation

  • Image Captioning

Many to Many (Variable lengths for input and output sequences)#

  • Machine Translation

  • Chatbot Q&A

  • Text Summarization
