Chapter 12 Vector Space Representation

showtext_auto(enable = T)

In this chapter, I would like to talk about the idea of distributional semantics, which features the hypothesis that the meaning of a linguistic unit is closely connected to its co-occurring contexts (co-texts).

I will show you how this idea can be operationalized computationally and quantified using the distributional data of the linguistic units in the corpus.

Because English and Chinese text processing requires slightly different procedures, this chapter will first focus on English texts.

12.1 Distributional Semantics

Distributional approach to semantics was first formulated by John Firth in his famous quotation:

You shall know a word by the company it keeps (Firth, 1957, p. 11).

In other words, words that occur in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings (Z. Harris, 1954).

[D]ifference of meaning correlates with difference of distribution. (Z. S. Harris, 1970, p. 785)

The meaning of a [construction] in the network is represented by how it is linked to other words and how these are interlinked themselves. (De Deyne et al., 2016)

In computational linguistics, this idea has been implemented in the modeling of lexical semantics and documents topics. The lexical meanings of words or topics of documents can be computationally represented by the distributional information of their co-occurring words.

  • Document Semantics/Topics

    • This distributional model can be applied to the semantic representation of documents in corpus as well. One can extract the distributional information of target documents automatically from large corpora, i.e., their co-occurring contextual features.
    • The co-occurrence frequencies between target documents and contextual features can also be combined in long vectors, which can be utilized to computationally measure the inter-document similarity/difference.
  • Lexical Semantics

    • We can extract the distributional information of target words automatically from large corpora, i.e., their co-occurring contextual features.
    • These co-occurrence frequencies (raw or weighted) between target words and contextual features can be combined in long vectors, which can be utilized to computationally measure the semantic distance/similarity in-between the target words.

Therefore, this distributional approach to meanings is sometimes referred to as Vector Space Semantics.

In short, we can represent the semantics of a linguistic unit based on its co-occurrence patterns with specific contextual features.

If two words co-occur with similar sets of contextual features, they are likely to be semantically similar.

With the vectorized representations of words, we can compute their semanitc distances.

12.2 Vector Space Model for Documents

Now I would like to demonstrate how we can adopt this vector space model to study the semantics of documents.

12.2.1 Data Processing Flowchart

In Chapter 5, I have provided a data processing flowchart for the English texts. Here I would like to add to the flowchart several follow-up steps with respect to the vector-based representation of the corpus documents.

Most importantly, a new object class is introduced in Figure 12.1, i.e., the dfm object in quanteda. It stands for Document-Feature-Matrix. It’s a two-dimensional co-occurrence table, with the rows being the documents in the corpus, and columns being the features used to characterize the documents. The cells in the matrix are the co-occurrence statistics between each document and the feature.

Different ways of operationalizing the features and the cell values may lead to different types of dfm. In this section, I would like to show you how to create dfm of a corpus and what are the common ways to define features and cell values for the analysis of document semantics via vector space representation.

Figure 12.1: English Text Analytics Flowchart (v2)

12.2.2 Document-Feature Matrix (dfm)

To create a dfm, i.e., Dcument-Feature-Matrix, of your corpus data, there are generally three steps:

  • Create an corpus object of your data;
  • Tokenize the corpus object into a tokens object;
  • Create the dfm object based on the tokens object

In this tutorial, I will use the same English dataset as we discussed in Chapter 5, the data_corpus_inaugural, preloaded in the package quanteda.

For English data, the process is simple: we first load the corpus and create a dfm object of the corpus using dfm().

## `corpus` 
corp_us <- data_corpus_inaugural
## `tokens`
corp_us_tokens <- tokens(corp_us)
## `dfm`
corp_us_dfm <- dfm(corp_us_tokens)

## check dfm
Document-feature matrix of: 59 documents, 9,439 features (91.84% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens  of the senate and house representatives :
  1789-Washington               1  71 116      1  48     2               2 1
  1793-Washington               0  11  13      0   2     0               0 1
  1797-Adams                    3 140 163      1 130     0               2 0
  1801-Jefferson                2 104 130      0  81     0               0 1
  1805-Jefferson                0 101 143      0  93     0               0 0
  1809-Madison                  1  69 104      0  43     0               0 0
docs              among vicissitudes
  1789-Washington     1            1
  1793-Washington     0            0
  1797-Adams          4            0
  1801-Jefferson      1            0
  1805-Jefferson      7            0
  1809-Madison        0            0
[ reached max_ndoc ... 53 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 9,429 more features ]
## Check object class
[1] "corpus"    "character"
[1] "corpus"    "character"
[1] "dfm"
[1] "quanteda"

12.2.3 Intuition for DFM

What is dfm anyway?

A document-feature-matrix is a simple co-occurrence table.

In a dfm, each row refers to a document in the corpus, and the column refers to a linguistic unit that occurs in the document(s) (i.e., the contextual features in the vector space model).

  • If the contextual feature is a word, then this dfm would be a document-word-matrix, with the columns referring to all the words observed in the corpus, i.e., the vocabulary of the corpus.
  • If the contextual feature is an n-gram, then this dfm would be a document-ngram-matrix, with the columns referring to all the n-grams observed in the corpus.

What about the values in the cells of dfm?

  • The most intuitive values in the cells are the co-occurrence frequencies, i.e., the number of occurrences of the contextual feature (i.e., column) in a particular document (i.e., row).

For example, in the corpus data_corpus_inaugural, based on the corp_us_dfm created earlier, we can see that in the first document, i.e., 1789-Washington, there are 2 occurrences of “representatives”, 48 occurrences of “and”.

Bag of Words Representation

By default, the dfm() would create a document-by-word matrix, i.e., generating words as the contextual features.

A dfm with words as the contextual features is the simplest way to characterize the documents in the corpus, namely, to analyze the semantics of the documents by looking at the words occurring in the documents.

This document-by-word matrix treats each document as bags of words. That is, how the words are arranged relative to each other is ignored (i.e., the morpho-syntactic relationships between words in texts are greatly ignored). Therefore, this document-by-word dfm should be the most naive characterization of the texts.

In many computational tasks, however, it turns out that this simple bag-of-words model is very effective in modeling the semantics of the documents.

12.2.4 More sophisticated DFM

The dfm() with the default settings creates a document-by-word matrix. We can create more sophisticated DFM by refining the contextual features.

A document-by-ngram matrix can be more informative because the contextual features take into account (partial & limited) sequential information between words. In quanteda, to obtain an ngram-based dfm:

  • Create an ngram-based tokens using tokens_ngrams() first;
  • Create an ngram-based dfm based on the ngram-based tokens;
## create ngrams tokens
corp_us_ngrams <- tokens_ngrams(corp_us_tokens,
              n = 2:3)

## create ngram-based dfm
corp_us_ngrams_dfm <- dfm(corp_us_ngrams)

12.2.5 Distance/Similarity Metrics

The advantage of creating a document-feature-matrix is that now each document is not only a series of character strings, but also a list of numeric values (i.e., a row of co-occurring frequencies), which can be compared mathematically with the other documents (i.e., the other rows).

For example, now the document 1789-Washington can be represented as a series of numeric values:

## contextual feautres of `1789-Washington`
Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 9,439 features (93.61% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens of the senate and house representatives :
  1789-Washington               1 71 116      1  48     2               2 1
docs              among vicissitudes
  1789-Washington     1            1
[ reached max_nfeat ... 9,429 more features ]

The idea is that if two documents co-occur with similar sets of contextual features, they are more likely to be similar in their semantics as well.

And now with the numeric representation of the documents, we can quantify these similarities.

Take a two-dimensional space for instance.

Let’s assume that we have three simple documents: \(x\), \(y\), \(z\), and each document is vectorized as a vector of two numeric values.

x <- c(1,9)
y <- c(1,3)
z <- c(5,1)

If we visualize these document vectors in a two-dimensional space, we can compute their distance/similarity mathematically.

In Math, there are in general two types of metrics to measure the relationship between vectors: distance-based vs. similarity-based metrics.

Vector Representation

Figure 12.2: Vector Representation

Distance-based Metrics

Many distance measures of vectors are based on the following formula and differ in the parameter \(k\).

\[\big( \sum_{i = 1}^{n}{|x_i - y_i|^k}\big)^{\frac{1}{k}}\]

The n in the above formula refers to the number of dimensions of the vectors. (In other words, all the concepts we discuss here can be easily extended to vectors in multidimensional spaces.)

When k is set to 2, it computes the famous Euclidean distance of two vectors, i.e., the direct spatial distance between two points on the n-dimensional space (Remember Pythagorean Theorem? )

\[\sqrt{\big( \sum_{i = 1}^{n}{|x_i - y_i|^2}\big)}\]

  • When \(k = 1\), the distance is referred to as Manhattan Distance or City Block Distance:

\[\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{|x_i - y_i|}\]

  • When \(k\geq3\), the distance is a generalized form, called, Minkowski Distance at the order of \(k\).

  • In other words, \(k\) represents the order of norm. The Minkowski Distance of the order 1 is the Manhattan Distance; the Minkowski Distance of the order 2 is the Euclidean Distance.

## Create vectors
x <- c(1,9)
y <- c(1,3)
z <- c(5,1)

## computing pairwise euclidean distance
sum(abs(x-y)^2)^(1/2) # XY distance
[1] 6
sum(abs(y-z)^2)^(1/2) # YZ distnace
[1] 4.472136
sum(abs(x-z)^2)^(1/2) # XZ distnace
[1] 8.944272

The geometrical meanings of the Euclidean distance are easy to conceptualize (c.f., the dashed lines in Figure 12.3)

Distance-based Metric: Euclidean Distance

Figure 12.3: Distance-based Metric: Euclidean Distance

Similarity-based Metrics

In addition to distance-based metrics, we can measure the similarity of vectors using a similarity-based metric, which often utilizes the idea of correlations. The most commonly used one is Cosine Similarity, which can be computed as follows:

\[cos(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i\times y_i}}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i^2}\times \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}y_i^2}}\]

# comuting pairwise cosine similarity
sum(x*y)/(sqrt(sum(x^2))*sqrt(sum(y^2))) # xy
[1] 0.9778024
sum(y*z)/(sqrt(sum(y^2))*sqrt(sum(z^2))) # yz
[1] 0.4961389
sum(x*z)/(sqrt(sum(x^2))*sqrt(sum(z^2))) # xz
[1] 0.3032037

The Cosine Similarity ranges from -1 (= the least similar) to 1 (= the most similar).

The geometric meanings of cosines of two vectors are connected to the arcs between the vectors: the greater their cosine similarity, the smaller the arcs, the closer they are.

Cosine Similarity is related to Pearson Correlation. If you would like to know more about their differences, take a look at this comprehensive blog post, Cosine Similarity VS Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

Therefore, it is clear to see that cosine similarity highlights the documents similarities in terms of whether their values on all the dimensions (contextual features) vary in the same directions.

However, distance-based metrics would highlight the document similarities in terms of how much their values on all the dimensions differ.

Computing pairwise distance/similarity using quanteda

In quanteda.textstats library, there are two main functions that can help us compute pairwise similarities/distances between vectors using two useful functions:

  • textstat_simil(): similarity-based metrics
  • textstat_dist(): distance-based metrics

The expected input argument of these two functions is a dfm and they compute all pairwise distance/similarity metrics in-between the rows of the DFM (i.e., the documents).

## Create a simple DFM
xyz_dfm <- as.dfm(matrix(c(1,9,1,3,5,1), 

## Rename documents
docnames(xyz_dfm) <- c("X","Y","Z")

## Check
Document-feature matrix of: 3 documents, 2 features (0.00% sparse) and 0 docvars.
docs feat1 feat2
   X     1     9
   Y     1     3
   Z     5     1
## Computing cosine similarity
textstat_simil(xyz_dfm, method="cosine")
textstat_simil object; method = "cosine"
      X     Y     Z
X 1.000 0.978 0.303
Y 0.978 1.000 0.496
Z 0.303 0.496 1.000
## Computing euclidean distance
textstat_dist(xyz_dfm, method = "euclidean")
textstat_dist object; method = "euclidean"
     X    Y    Z
X    0 6.00 8.94
Y 6.00    0 4.47
Z 8.94 4.47    0

There are other useful functions in R that can compute the pairwise distance/similarity metrics on a matrix. When using these functions, please pay attention to whether they provide distance or similarity metrics because these two are very different in meanings.

For example, amap::Dist() provides cosine-based distance, not similarity.

## Compute cosine distance with amap::Dist()
amap::Dist(xyz_dfm, method = "pearson")
           X          Y
Y 0.02219759           
Z 0.69679634 0.50386106
## Compute cosine similarity with amap::Dist()
(1- amap::Dist(xyz_dfm, method="pearson"))
          X         Y
Y 0.9778024          
Z 0.3032037 0.4961389

Interim Summary

  1. The Euclidean Distance metric is a distance-based metric: the larger the value, the more distant the two vectors.
  2. The Cosine Similarity metric is a similarity-based metric: the larger the value, the more similar the two vectors.

Based on our computations of the metrics for the three vectors, now in terms of the Euclidean Distance, y and z are closer; in terms of Cosine Similarity, x and y are closer.

Therefore, it should now be clear that the analyst needs to decide which metric to use, or more importantly, which metric is more relevant. The key is which of the following is more important in the semantic representation of the documents/words:

  • The absolute value differences that the vectors have on each dimension (i.e., the lengths of the vectors)
  • The relative increase/decrease of the values on each dimension (i.e., the curvatures of vectors)

There are many other distance-based or similarity-based metrics available. For more detail, please see Manning & Schütze (1999) Ch15.2.2. and Jurafsky & Martin (2020) Ch6: Vector Semantics and Embeddings.

12.2.6 Multidimensional Space

Back to our example of corp_us_dfm, it is essentially the same vector representation, but in a multidimensional space (cf. Figure 12.4). The document in each row is represented as a vector of N dimensional space. The size of N depends on the number of contextual features that are included in the analysis of the dfm.

Example of Document-Feature Matrix

Figure 12.4: Example of Document-Feature Matrix

12.2.7 Feature Selection

A dfm may not be as informative as we have expected. To better capture the document’s semantics/topics, there are several important factors that need to be more carefully considered with respect to the contextual features of the dfm:

  • The granularity of the features
  • The informativeness of the features
  • The distributional properties of the features


In our previous example, we include only words, i.e., unigrams, as our contextual features in the corp_us_dfm. We can in fact include linguistic units at multiple granularities:

  • raw word forms (dfm() default contextual features)
  • (skipped) n-grams
  • lemmas/stems
  • Specific syntactic categories (e.g., lexical words)

For example, if you want to include bigrams, not unigrams, as features in the dfm, you can do the following:

  1. from corpus to tokens
  2. from tokens to ngram-based tokens
  3. from ngram-based tokens to dfm
## Create DFM based on bigrams
corp_us_dfm_bigram <- dfm(tokens_ngrams(corp_us_tokens, n =2))

Or for English data, if you want to ignore the stem variations between words (i.e., house and houses may not be differ so much), you can do it this way:

## Create DFM based on word stems
corp_us_dfm_unigram_stem <- dfm_wordstem(corp_us_dfm)

We can of course create DFM based on stemmed bigrams:

## Create DFM based on stemmed bigrams
corp_us_dfm_bigram_stem <- corp_us_tokens %>%  ## tokens
  tokens_ngrams(n = 2) %>% ## bigram tokens
  dfm() %>% ## dfm
  dfm_wordstem() ## stem

You need to decide which types of contextual features are more relevant to your research question. In many text mining applications, people often make use of both unigrams and n-grams. However, these are only heuristics, not rules.

Exercise 12.1 Based on the dataset corp_us, can you create a dfm, where the features are trigrams but all the words in the trigrams are word stems not the original surface word forms? (see below)


There are words that are not so informative in telling us the similarity and difference between the documents because they almost appear in every document of the corpus, but carry little (referential) semantic contents.

Typical tokens include:

  • Stopwords
  • Numbers
  • Symbols
  • Control characters
  • Punctuation marks
  • URLs

The library quanteda has defined a default English stopword list, i.e., stopwords("en").

## English stopword
stopwords("en") %>% head(50)
 [1] "i"          "me"         "my"         "myself"     "we"        
 [6] "our"        "ours"       "ourselves"  "you"        "your"      
[11] "yours"      "yourself"   "yourselves" "he"         "him"       
[16] "his"        "himself"    "she"        "her"        "hers"      
[21] "herself"    "it"         "its"        "itself"     "they"      
[26] "them"       "their"      "theirs"     "themselves" "what"      
[31] "which"      "who"        "whom"       "this"       "that"      
[36] "these"      "those"      "am"         "is"         "are"       
[41] "was"        "were"       "be"         "been"       "being"     
[46] "have"       "has"        "had"        "having"     "do"        
[1] 175
  • To remove stopwords from the dfm, we can use dfm_remove() on the dfm object.

  • To remove numbers, symbols, or punctuation marks, we can further specify a few parameters for the function tokens():

    • remove_punct = TRUE: remove all characters in the Unicode “Punctuation” [P] class
    • remove_symbols = TRUE: remove all characters in the Unicode “Symbol” [S] class
    • remove_url = TRUE: find and eliminate URLs beginning with http(s)
    • remove_separators = TRUE: remove separators and separator characters (Unicode “Separator” [Z] and “Control” [C] categories)
## Create new DFM 
## w/o non-word tokens and stopwords
corp_us_dfm_unigram_stop_punct <- corp_us %>% 
  tokens(remove_punct = TRUE, ## remove non-word tokens
         remove_symbols = TRUE,
         remove_numbers = TRUE,
         remove_url = TRUE) %>%
  dfm() %>% ## Create DFM
  dfm_remove(stopwords("en")) ## Remove stopwords from DFM

We can see that the number of features varies a lot when we operationalize the contextual features differently:

## Changes of Contextual Feature Numbers
nfeat(corp_us_dfm) ## default unigram version
[1] 9439
nfeat(corp_us_dfm_unigram_stem) ## unigram + stem
[1] 5596
nfeat(corp_us_dfm_bigram) ## bigram
[1] 64442
nfeat(corp_us_dfm_bigram_stem) ## bigram + stem
[1] 58045
nfeat(corp_us_dfm_unigram_stop_punct) ## unigram removing non-words/puncs
[1] 9212

Distributional Properties

Finally, we can also select contextual features based on their distributional properties. For example:

  • (Term) Frequency: the contextual feature’s frequency counts in the corpus
    • Set a cut-off minimum to avoid hapax legomenon or highly idiosyncratic words
    • Set a cut-off maximum to remove high-frequency function words, carrying little semantic content.
  • Dispersion (Document Frequency)
    • Set a cut-off minimum to avoid idiosyncratic or domain-specific words;
    • Set a cut-off maximum to avoid stopwords;
  • Other Self-defined Weights
    • We can utilize association-based metrics to more precisely represent the association between a contextual feature and a document (e.g., PMI, LLR, TF-IDF).

In quanteda, we can easily specify our distributional cutoffs for contextual features:

  • Frequency: dfm_trim(DFM, min_termfreq = ..., max_termfreq = ...)
  • Dispersion: dfm_trim(DFM, min_docfreq = ..., max_docfreq = ...)
  • Weights: dfm_weight(DFM, scheme = ...) or dfm_tfidf(DFM)

Exercise 12.2 Please read the documentations of dfm_trim(), dfm_weight(), dfm_tfidf() very carefully and make sure you know how to use them.

In the following demo, we adopt a few strategies to refine the contextual features of the dfm:

  • we create a simple unigram dfm based on the word-forms
  • we remove stopwords, punctuation marks, numbers, and symbols
  • we include contextual words whose termfreq \(\geq\) 10 and docfreq \(\geq\) 3
## Create trimmed DFM
corp_us_dfm_trimmed <- corp_us %>%  ## corpus
  tokens( ## tokens
    remove_punct = T, 
    remove_numbers = T,
    remove_symbols = T
  ) %>%
  dfm() %>% ## dfm
  dfm_remove(stopwords("en")) %>%  ## remove stopwords
    min_termfreq = 10,  ## frequency
    max_termfreq = NULL,
    termfreq_type = "count",
    min_docfreq = 3,  ## dispersion
    max_docfreq = NULL,
    docfreq_type = "count"
[1] 1401

In dfm_trim(), we can specify the cutoff values of min_termfreq/max_termfreq and min_docfreq/max_docfreq in different ways.

The numbers could refer to:

  • "count": Raw termfreq/docfreq counts;
  • "prop": Normalized termfreq/docfreq (percentages);
  • "rank": Inverted ranking of the features in terms of overall termfreq/docfreq;
  • "quantile": Quantiles of termfreq/docfreq.

12.2.8 Exploratory Analysis of dfm

  • We can check the top features in the current corpus:
## Check top important contextual features
topfeatures(corp_us_dfm_trimmed, n = 20)
    people government         us        can       must       upon      great 
       584        564        505        487        376        371        344 
       may     states      world      shall    country     nation      every 
       343        334        319        316        308        305        300 
       one      peace        new      power        now     public 
       267        258        250        241        229        225 
  • We can visualize the top features using a word cloud:
## Create wordcloud

## Set random seed 
## (to make sure consistent results for every run)

## Color brewer

## Plot wordcloud
  max_words = 200,
  random_order = FALSE,
  rotation = .25,
  color =  brewer.pal(7, "Dark2")

12.2.9 Document Similarity

As shown in 12.4, with the N-dimensional vector representation of each document, we can compute the mathematical distances/similarities between two documents.

In Section 12.2.5, we introduced two important metrics:

  • Distance-based metric: Euclidean Distance
  • Similarity-based metric: Cosine Similarity

quanteda provides useful functions to compute these metrics (as well as other alternatives): textstat_simil() and textstat_dist()

Before computing the document similarity/distance, we usually convert the frequency counts in dfm into more sophisticated metrics using normalization or weighting schemes.

There are two common schemes:

  • Normalized Term Frequencies
  • TF-IDF Weighting Scheme

Normalized Term Frequencies

  • We can normalize these term frequencies into percentages to reduce the impact of the document size (i.e., marginal frequencies) on the significance of the co-occurrence frequencies.
## Intuition for Normalized Frequencies

## Raw Frequency Counts
Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 5 features (0.00% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens senate house representatives among
  1789-Washington               1      1     2               2     1
## Normalized Frequencies
Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 5 features (0.00% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens      senate       house representatives
  1789-Washington     0.002427184 0.002427184 0.004854369     0.004854369
docs                    among
  1789-Washington 0.002427184
## Intuition
Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 5 features (0.00% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens      senate       house representatives
  1789-Washington     0.002427184 0.002427184 0.004854369     0.004854369
docs                    among
  1789-Washington 0.002427184

TF-IDF Weighting SCheme

  • A more sophisticated weighting scheme is TF-IDF scheme. We can weight the significance of term frequencies based on the term’s IDF.

Inverse Document Frequencies

  • For each contextual feature, we can also assess their distinctive power in terms of their dispersion across the entire corpus.
  • In addition to document frequency counts, there is a more effective metric, Inverse Document Frequency(IDF) (often used in Information Retrieval), to capture the distinctiveness of the features.
  • The IDF of a term (\(w_i\)) in a corpus (\(D\)) is defined as the log-transformed ratio of the corpus size (\(|D|\)) to the term’s document frequency (\(df_i\)).
  • The more widely dispersed the contextual feature is, the lower its IDF; the less dispersed the contextual feature, the higher its IDF.

\[ IDF(w_i, D) = log_{10}{\frac{|D|}{df_i}} \]

## Intuition for Inverse Document Frequency

## Docfreq of the first ten features
fellow-citizens          senate           house representatives           among 
             19               9               8              14              43 
           life           event         greater           order        received 
             49               9              29              29              10 
## Inverse Doc
        scheme = "inverse",
        base = 10)[1:10]
fellow-citizens          senate           house representatives           among 
     0.49209841      0.81660950      0.86776202      0.62472398      0.13738356 
           life           event         greater           order        received 
     0.08065593      0.81660950      0.30845401      0.30845401      0.77085201 
## Intuition
corpus_size <- ndoc(corp_us_dfm_trimmed)
log(corpus_size/docfreq(corp_us_dfm_trimmed), 10)[1:10]
fellow-citizens          senate           house representatives           among 
     0.49209841      0.81660950      0.86776202      0.62472398      0.13738356 
           life           event         greater           order        received 
     0.08065593      0.81660950      0.30845401      0.30845401      0.77085201 
  • The TFIDF of a term (\(w_i\)) in a document (\(d_j\)) is the product of the word’s term frequency (TF) in the document (\(tf_{ij}\)) and the IDF of the term (\(log\frac{|N|}{df_i}\)).

\[ TFIDF(w_i, d_j) = tf_{ij} \times log\frac{|N|}{df_i} \]

## Intuition for TFIDF

## Raw Frequency Counts
Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 5 features (0.00% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens senate house representatives among
  1789-Washington               1      1     2               2     1
Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 5 features (0.00% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens    senate    house representatives     among
  1789-Washington       0.4920984 0.8166095 1.735524        1.249448 0.1373836
## Intuition
TF_ex <- corp_us_dfm_trimmed[1,]
IDF_ex <- docfreq(corp_us_dfm_trimmed, scheme= "inverse")
TFIDF_ex <- TF_ex*IDF_ex

Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 5 features (0.00% sparse) and 4 docvars.
docs              fellow-citizens    senate    house representatives     among
  1789-Washington       0.4920984 0.8166095 1.735524        1.249448 0.1373836

We weight the dfm with the TF-IDF scheme before the document similarity analysis.

## weight DFM
corp_us_dfm_trimmed_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(corp_us_dfm_trimmed)

## top features of count-based DFM
topfeatures(corp_us_dfm_trimmed, 20)
    people government         us        can       must       upon      great 
       584        564        505        487        376        371        344 
       may     states      world      shall    country     nation      every 
       343        334        319        316        308        305        300 
       one      peace        new      power        now     public 
       267        258        250        241        229        225 
## top features of tfidf-based DFM
topfeatures(corp_us_dfm_trimmed_tfidf, 20)
     america        union     congress constitution      freedom         upon 
    56.45704     50.48339     40.09902     39.93330     39.69166     36.63779 
   americans    democracy      revenue         laws      federal       public 
    35.55963     35.05941     34.57065     34.54126     33.35736     33.21061 
      states    executive     business        today   government          let 
    32.98389     32.93036     32.48151     32.38767     30.93465     28.76598 
      policy    necessary 
    28.49188     27.83804 
  • Distance-based Results (Euclidean Distance)
## Distance-based: Euclidean
corp_us_euclidean <- textstat_dist(corp_us_dfm_trimmed_tfidf,
                                   method = "euclidean")
  • Cosine-based Results (Cosine Similarity)
## Similarity-based: Cosine
corp_us_cosine <- textstat_simil(corp_us_dfm_trimmed_tfidf,
                                 method = "cosine")

As we have discussed in the previous sections, different distance/similarity metrics may give very different results. As an analyst, we can go back to the original documents and evaluate these quantitative results in a qualitative way.

For example, let’s manually check the document that is the most similar to 1789-Washington according to Euclidean Distance and Cosine Similarity:

## Closest document based on euclidean
## Closest document based on cosine
## You can further inspect the texts
as.character(corp_us["1789-Washington"]) %>% strtrim(400)
"Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives:\n\nAmong the vicissitudes incident to life no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by your order, and received on the 14th day of the present month. On the one hand, I was summoned by my Country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love, from a retreat wh" 
as.character(corp_us["1793-Washington"]) %>% strtrim(400)
"Fellow citizens, I am again called upon by the voice of my country to execute the functions of its Chief Magistrate. When the occasion proper for it shall arrive, I shall endeavor to express the high sense I entertain of this distinguished honor, and of the confidence which has been reposed in me by the people of united America.\n\nPrevious to the execution of any official act of the President the Con" 
as.character(corp_us["1841-Harrison"]) %>% strtrim(400)
"Called from a retirement which I had supposed was to continue for the residue of my life to fill the chief executive office of this great and free nation, I appear before you, fellow-citizens, to take the oaths which the Constitution prescribes as a necessary qualification for the performance of its duties; and in obedience to a custom coeval with our Government and what I believe to be your expec" 

12.2.10 Cluster Analysis

The pairise distance/similarity matrices are sometimes less comprehensive. We can visulize the document distances in a more comprehensive way by an exploratory technique called hierarchical cluster analysis.

## distance-based
corp_us_hist_euclidean <- corp_us_euclidean %>% 
  as.dist %>% ## DFM to dist
  hclust ## cluster analysis

## Plot dendrogram
# plot(corp_us_hist_euclidean, hang = -1, cex = 0.6)

             rotate = TRUE, 
             theme_dendro = TRUE)

## similarity
corp_us_hist_cosine <- (1 - corp_us_cosine) %>% ## similarity to distance
  as.dist %>% 

## Plot dendrogram
# plot(corp_us_hist_cosine, hang = -1, cex = 0.6)
             rotate = TRUE, 
             theme_dendro = TRUE)

Please note that textstat_simil() gives us the similarity matrix. In other words, the numbers in the matrix indicate how similar the documents are. However, for hierarchical cluster analysis, the function hclust() expects a distance-based matrix, namely one indicating how dissimilar the documents are. Therefore, we need to use (1 - corp_us_cosine) in the cosine example before performing the cluster analysis.

Cluster anlaysis is a very useful exploratory technique to examine the emerging structure of a large dataset. For more detail introduction to this statistical method, I would recommend Gries (2013) Ch 5.6 and the very nice introductory book, Kaufman & Rousseeuw (1990).

For more information on vector-space semantics, I would highly recommend the chapter of Vector Semantics and Embeddings, by Dan Jurafsky and James Martin.

12.3 Vector Space Model for Words (Self-Study)

So far, we have been talking about applying the vector space model to study the document semantics.

Now let’s take a look at how this distributional semantic approach can facilitate a lexical semantic analysis.

With a corpus, we can also study the distribution, or contextual features, of (target) words based on their co-occurring (contextual) words. Now I would like to introduce another object defined in quanteda, i.e., the Feature-Cooccurrence Matrix fcm.

12.3.1 Feature-Coocurrence Matrix (fcm)

A Feature-Cooccurrence Matrix is essentially a word co-occurrence matrix (i.e., a square matrix). There are two ways to create a fcm:

  1. from tokens to fcm
  2. from dfm to fcm

12.3.2 From tokens to fcm

We can create a word co-occurrence matrix fcm from the tokens object.

We can further operationalize our contextual features for target words in two ways:

  • Window-based: Only words co-occurring within a defined window size of the target word will be included as its contextual features
  • Document-based: All words co-occurring in the same document as the target word will be included as its contextual features.

Window-based Contextual Features

## tokens object
corp_us_tokens <- tokens(
  what = "word",
  remove_punct = TRUE,
  remove_symbol = TRUE,
  remove_numbers = TRUE

## window-based FCM
corp_fcm_win <- fcm(
  corp_us_tokens, ## tokens
  context = "window", ## context type
  window = 1) # window size

## Check
Feature co-occurrence matrix of: 10,075 by 10,075 features.
features          Fellow-Citizens of  the Senate and House Representatives
  Fellow-Citizens               0  2    0      0   0     0               0
  of                            0  0 1766      0  87     6               4
  the                           0  0    0      8 463     5               0
  Senate                        0  0    0      0   3     0               0
  and                           0  0    0      0   2     2               0
  House                         0  0    0      0   0     0               0
  Representatives               0  0    0      0   0     0               0
  Among                         0  0    0      0   0     0               0
  vicissitudes                  0  0    0      0   0     0               0
  incident                      0  0    0      0   0     0               0
features          Among vicissitudes incident
  Fellow-Citizens     0            0        0
  of                  0            1        1
  the                 1            2        2
  Senate              0            0        0
  and                 0            2        0
  House               0            0        0
  Representatives     1            0        0
  Among               0            0        0
  vicissitudes        0            0        1
  incident            0            0        0
[ reached max_feat ... 10,065 more features, reached max_nfeat ... 10,065 more features ]
## check top 50 features
topfeatures(corp_fcm_win, n = 50)
         our          the           in           we           is           to 
        1978         1766         1359         1217         1062          884 
          be            a          all          for           We       people 
         875          777          749          740          715          679 
        will        their          are          and           it         that 
         661          652          608          555          554          546 
        been         this           us       States           by          not 
         530          527          498          467          444          434 
        upon           as           do          its        world        those 
         433          428          427          426          426          412 
        must       should        peace   Government           It         them 
         397          392          390          386          377          367 
       great        power Constitution          any         only      freedom 
         361          355          339          325          321          314 
         may   government         with         they        shall       nation 
         302          301          299          297          289          288 
           I           so 
         283          274 

A look at the corp_fcm_win:

## Check top 10 contextual features
## for specific target worods
corp_fcm_win["our",] %>% topfeatures(10)
    national institutions         upon       common Constitution        Union 
          38           26           22           21           20           19 
    children       Nation      fathers       within 
          19           19           18           15 
corp_fcm_win["must",] %>% topfeatures(10)
      We  America       do       go continue    There  citizen     keep 
      46        9        7        5        5        4        4        4 
   carry  realize 
       4        4 

Document-based Contextual Features

## Document-based FCM
corp_fcm_doc <- fcm(
  context = "document")

## check
Feature co-occurrence matrix of: 10,075 by 10,075 features.
features          Fellow-Citizens     of     the Senate     and House
  Fellow-Citizens               0    710    1057      2     507     2
  of                            0 681011 1810708   2042  862543  1408
  the                           0      0 1210315   2749 1148145  1968
  Senate                        0      0       0      3    1418    12
  and                           0      0       0      0  297873   909
  House                         0      0       0      0       0     3
  Representatives               0      0       0      0       0     0
  Among                         0      0       0      0       0     0
  vicissitudes                  0      0       0      0       0     0
  incident                      0      0       0      0       0     0
features          Representatives Among vicissitudes incident
  Fellow-Citizens               2     1            1        2
  of                          996   514          701     1509
  the                        1350   688          897     2052
  Senate                        4     1            1        2
  and                         503   348          463     1108
  House                         6     2            2        2
  Representatives               1     2            2        2
  Among                         0     0            2        1
  vicissitudes                  0     0            0        1
  incident                      0     0            0        2
[ reached max_feat ... 10,065 more features, reached max_nfeat ... 10,065 more features ]
## Check top 50 contextual features
topfeatures(corp_fcm_doc, n = 50)
         our          the           to           in          and            a 
     3176109      3022080      2619459      2586044      2310486      1982691 
          be           is           we          for        their         that 
     1923444      1828034      1671039      1449786      1286232      1254497 
         are           it         will          The          not           as 
     1212962      1185232      1140058      1136470      1081138       993573 
          We           by          all        which          has          its 
      979336       923827       908249       861352       857148       835208 
      people         upon           or         this           us         been 
      831527       822480       816930       809940       728218       716072 
          of            I       should           It         must          any 
      681721       678465       672000       668992       641750       641596 
        have         with         them           so       States        great 
      638159       626747       615322       600749       575961       574693 
  Government        power          may         they         only           at 
      570366       556246       544947       525462       522589       518657 
        from Constitution 
      515615       491481 
## Check top 10 contextual features
## for specific target words
corp_fcm_doc["our",] %>% topfeatures(10)
    we    our     We     us   must   upon should  world    any  power 
 54260  47064  24405  21543  17170  15701  13697  12791  11170  10692 
corp_fcm_doc["must",] %>% topfeatures(10)
     We      us    upon      do     any    must    only America   peace    when 
   5147    3914    3258    2126    2015    1996    1995    1956    1846    1506 

In the above examples of fcm, we tokenize our corpus into tokens first and then use it to create the fcm. The advantage of our current method is that we can have a full control of the word tokenization, i.e., what tokens we would like to include in the fcm.

This can be particularly important when we deal with Chinese data.

12.3.3 From dfm to fcm

A fcm can also be created from dfm. The limitation is that we can only create a document-based fcm from dfm.

But we can make use of the feature selection (e.g., dfm_select(), dfm_remove(), dfm_trim()) discussed in the previous sections to remove irrelevant contextual features before we create the fcm.

## Create FCM from DFM
corp_fcm_dfm <- fcm(corp_us_dfm_trimmed)

## Check top 50 features
topfeatures(corp_fcm_dfm,n = 50)
        upon           us         must        peace      freedom        power 
      179044       151948       127748       116086       106320       104929 
  government constitution         part       spirit          law       people 
      100582        98820        95195        89563        88701        79380 
        laws     business     congress          war        state        shall 
       78924        77645        76174        74119        73947        73720 
       today         best         make       within        union        world 
       72941        72190        71803        71153        70608        70446 
        work          let     progress    political         come        great 
       68762        68484        67070        65616        65338        65214 
      always      america      purpose       states          god      revenue 
       63302        61248        61052        60565        60324        59702 
   americans        force      justice       rights institutions   countrymen 
       57926        57685        56809        56506        55619        54818 
    republic         true      federal          yet      foreign       others 
       54714        54148        54024        53330        52400        52114 
        long       action 
       51463        51055 
## Check top 10 features
## for specific target words
corp_fcm_dfm["people",] %>% topfeatures(10)
  government         upon           us       states        great         must 
        8094         5850         5292         5279         4658         4483 
      people        power        shall constitution 
        4217         4060         3891         3881 
corp_fcm_win["people",] %>% topfeatures(10)
       our   American        The        are       free themselves      great 
        79         40         27         19         12          8          8 
        It         we        Our 
         8          8          8 
corp_fcm_doc["people",] %>% topfeatures(10)
   our     we  their    are    The     We   upon States     us     It 
 24668  12532  10826   9777   9064   5785   5759   5217   5202   5182 

12.3.4 Lexical Similarity

fcm is an interesting structure because, similar to dfm, we can now examine the pairwise relationships in-between all target words.

In particular, based on this FCM, we can further analyze which target words tend to co-occur with similar sets of contextual words.

And based on these quantitative pairwise similarities in-between target words, we can visualize their lexical relations with a network or a cluster dendrogram.

## Create window size 5 FCM
corp_fcm_win_5 <- fcm(corp_us_tokens,
                      context = "window",
                      window = 5)

## Remove stopwords
corp_fcm_win_5_select <- corp_fcm_win_5 %>%
    pattern = stopwords(),
    case_insensitive = T
  • We first identify a list of top 50/100 contextual feature words
## Find top features
(corp_fcm_win_5_top50 <- topfeatures(corp_fcm_win_5_select, 50))
          us         upon        peace         must      freedom    Americans 
         582          568          425          412          403          330 
       today         work        great         make       States         best 
         292          282          281          279          277          277 
         God        among          law         come        power        world 
         270          249          248          247          243          239 
        laws       spirit       Nation        Union      America         know 
         237          236          236          233          231          231 
       shall          war     progress       always     business          Let 
         229          225          224          217          216          215 
        help      purpose         need         part       within          let 
         215          213          212          211          206          203 
    American      century       people Constitution         seek     Congress 
         200          197          195          190          188          184 
        free    political     strength     economic    democracy      justice 
         183          183          183          181          180          178 
         man        trade 
         178          176 
(corp_fcm_win_5_top100 <-topfeatures(corp_fcm_win_5_select, 100))
            us           upon          peace           must        freedom 
           582            568            425            412            403 
     Americans          today           work          great           make 
           330            292            282            281            279 
        States           best            God          among            law 
           277            277            270            249            248 
          come          power          world           laws         spirit 
           247            243            239            237            236 
        Nation          Union        America           know          shall 
           236            233            231            231            229 
           war       progress         always       business            Let 
           225            224            217            216            215 
          help        purpose           need           part         within 
           215            213            212            211            206 
           let       American        century         people   Constitution 
           203            200            197            195            190 
          seek       Congress           free      political       strength 
           188            184            183            183            183 
      economic      democracy        justice            man          trade 
           181            180            178            178            176 
    government         action           home responsibility            new 
           170            167            166            165            163 
           old      America's         common        foreign          force 
           162            161            158            157            156 
          also         rights          unity        support       interest 
           155            154            153            152            152 
       Federal           true           race        believe        promise 
           151            151            150            149            148 
    Government           long            now        whether            ago 
           147            145            144            143            143 
        change          faith           even        peoples        history 
           142            140            140            139            138 
        better            may        liberty          whole     countrymen 
           137            136            136            136            136 
        nation           find           done        revenue    opportunity 
           135            135            135            134            134 
        others         strong        control         office          stand 
           133            133            133            132            132 
         women           land     protection        forward       national 
           132            131            131            131            129 
  • We subset the FCM where the target and contextual words are on the top 50 important contextual features.
  • We then create a network of these top 50 important features.
## Subset fcm for plot
fcm4network <- fcm_select(corp_fcm_win_5_select,
                       pattern = names(corp_fcm_win_5_top50), 
                       selection = "keep",
                       valuetype = "fixed")
Feature co-occurrence matrix of: 86 by 86 features.
features Among people States Great nation free shall great world union
  Among      0      0      0     0      0    0     0     0     0     0
  people     0      8     30     0     10   17     8    22    14     0
  States     0      0     10     2      3    5     3     5     1     5
  Great      0      0      0     0      0    0     0     1     2     0
  nation     0      0      0     0      2    4     2    19     5     1
  free       0      0      0     0      0   32     8     6    10     1
  shall      0      0      0     0      0    0    12     3     4     0
  great      0      0      0     0      0    0     0    14     6     1
  world      0      0      0     0      0    0     0     0    14     0
  union      0      0      0     0      0    0     0     0     0     4
[ reached max_feat ... 76 more features, reached max_nfeat ... 76 more features ]
## plot semantic network of top features
  min_freq = 5, 
  vertex_labelcolor = c("grey40"),
  vertex_labelsize = 2 * scales::rescale(rowSums(fcm4network +
                                                   1), to = c(1.5, 5))

Exercise 12.3 In the above example, our original goal was to subset the FCM by including only the target words (rows) and contextual features (columns) that are on the list of the top 50 contextual features (names(corp_fcm_win_5_top50)). In other words, the subset FCM should have been a 50 by 50 matrix? But it’s not. Why?

  • In addition to a network, we can also create a dendrogram showing the semantic relations in-between a set of contextual features. (For example, the following shows a cluster analysis of the top 100 contextual features.)
## plot the dendrogram

## compute cosine similarity
fcm4network <- corp_fcm_win_5_select %>%
  fcm_keep(pattern = names(corp_fcm_win_5_top100))

## Check dimensions
Feature co-occurrence matrix of: 163 by 163 features.
features     Among may people States Government Great nation government new
  Among          0   0      0      0          0     0      0          0   0
  may            0   4      9      3          8     0      0          5   4
  people         0   0      8     30          6     0     10         20   2
  States         0   0      0     10         13     2      3          6   7
  Government     0   0      0      0          4     0      2          1   6
  Great          0   0      0      0          0     0      0          1   0
  nation         0   0      0      0          0     0      2          3   3
  government     0   0      0      0          0     0      0         10   9
  new            0   0      0      0          0     0      0          0  36
  free           0   0      0      0          0     0      0          0   0
features     free
  Among         0
  may           2
  people       17
  States        5
  Government    1
  Great         0
  nation        4
  government   14
  new           4
  free         32
[ reached max_feat ... 153 more features, reached max_nfeat ... 153 more features ]
## network
  min_freq = 5, 
  vertex_labelcolor = c("grey40"),
  vertex_labelsize = 2 * scales::rescale(rowSums(fcm4network +
                                                   1), to = c(1.5, 5))

## Remove words with no co-occurrence data
fcm4cluster <- corp_fcm_win_5_select[names(corp_fcm_win_5_top100),]

## check
Feature co-occurrence matrix of: 100 by 9,833 features.
features    Fellow-Citizens Senate House Representatives Among vicissitudes
  us                      0      0     0               0     0            0
  upon                    0      0     0               0     0            0
  peace                   0      0     0               0     0            0
  must                    0      0     0               0     0            0
  freedom                 0      0     0               0     0            0
  Americans               0      0     0               0     0            0
  today                   0      0     0               0     0            0
  work                    0      0     0               0     0            0
  great                   0      0     0               0     0            0
  make                    0      0     0               0     0            0
features    incident life event filled
  us               0    0     0      0
  upon             0    0     0      0
  peace            0    0     0      0
  must             0    0     0      0
  freedom          0    0     0      0
  Americans        0    0     0      0
  today            0    0     0      0
  work             0    0     0      0
  great            0    0     0      0
  make             0    0     0      0
[ reached max_feat ... 90 more features, reached max_nfeat ... 9,823 more features ]
## cosine
fcm4cluster_cosine <- textstat_simil(fcm4cluster, method = "cosine")

## create hclust
fcm_hclust<- hclust(as.dist((1 - fcm4cluster_cosine)))

## plot dendrogram v1
plot(as.dendrogram(fcm_hclust, hang = 0.3),
     horiz = T,
     cex = 0.6)

## plot dendrogram v2
             rotate = TRUE,
             theme_dendro = TRUE, cex = 0.7)

The dfm or fcm come with many potentials. Please refer to the quanteda documentation for more applications.

12.4 Exercises

Exercise 12.4 In this exercise, please create a dendrogram of the documents included in corp_us according to their similarities in trigram uses.

Specific steps are as follows:

  1. Please create a dfm, where the contextual features are the trigrams in the documents.
  2. After you create the dfm, please trim the dfm according to the following distributional criteria:
  • Include only trigrams consisting of \\w characters ((using dfm_select())
  • Include only trigrams whose frequencies are \(\geq\) 2 (using dfm_trim())
  • Include only trigrams whose document frequencies are \(\geq\) 2 (i.e., used in at least two different presidential addresses)
  1. Please use the cosine-based distance for cluster analysis
  • A Sub-sample of the trigram-based dfm (after the trimming according to the above distributional cut-off, the total number of trigrams in the dfm is: 7748):
  • Example of the dendrogram based on the trigram-based dfm:

Exercise 12.5 Based on the corp_us, we can study how words are connected to each other. In this exercise, please create a dendrogram of important words in the corp_us according to their similarities in their co-occurring words. Specific steps are as follows:

  1. Please create a tokens object of corpus by removing punctuations, symbols, and numbers first.
  2. Please create a window-based fcm of the corpus from the tokens object by including words within the window size of 5 as the contextual words
  3. Please remove all the stopwords included in quanteda::stopwords() from the fcm
  4. Please create a dendrogram for the top 50 important words from the resulting fcm using the cosine-based distance metrics. When clustering the top 50 features, use the co-occurrence information from the entire fcm, i.e., clustering these top 50 features according to their co-occurring words within the window size.
  • A Sub-sample of the fcm (after removing the stopwords, there are 9833 features in the fcm):
  • The dimension of the input matrix for textstats_simil() should be: 50 rows and 9833 columns.

  • Example of the dendrogram of the top 50 features in fcm:

Exercise 12.6 In this exercise, please create a dendrogram of the Taiwan Presidential Addresses included in demo_data/TW_President.tar.gz according to their similarities in ngram uses.

Specific steps are as follows:

  1. Load the corpus data and word-tokenize the texts using jiebaR to create a tokens object of the corpus
  2. Before word segmentation, normalize the texts by removing all white-spaces and line-breaks.
  3. During the word-tokenization, please remove symbols by setting worker(..., symbol = F)
  4. Please add the following terms into the self-defined dictionary of jiebaR:
c("馬英九", "英九", "蔣中正", "蔣經國", "李登輝", "登輝" ,"陳水扁", "阿扁", "蔡英文")
  1. Create the dfm of the corpus, where the contextual features are (contiguous) unigrams, bigrams and trigrams in the documents.
  2. Please trim the dfm according to the following distributional criteria:
  • Include only ngrams whose frequencies >= 5.
  • Include only ngrams whose document frequencies >= 3 (i.e., used in at least three different presidential addresses)
  1. Convert the count-based DFM into TF-IDF DFM using dfm_tfidf()
  2. Please use the cosine-based distance for cluster analysis
  • A Sub-sample of the trimmed dfm (Count-based; Number of features: 1183):
  • A Sub-sample of the trimmed dfm (TFIDF-based; Number of features: 1183):
  • Example of the dendrogram:

Exercise 12.7 Based on the Taiwan Presidential Addresses Corpus included in demo_data/TW_President.tar.gz, we can study how words are connected to each other. In this exercise, please create a dendrogram of important words in the corpus according to their similarities in their co-occurring words. Specific steps are as follows:

  1. Load the corpus data and word-tokenize the texts using jiebaR to create a tokens object of the corpus
  2. Follow the principles discussed in the previous exercise about text normalization and word segmentation.
  3. Please create a window-based fcm of the corpus from the tokens object by including words within the window size of 2 as the contextual words.
  4. Please remove all the stopwords included in demo_data/stopwords-ch.txt from the fcm
  5. After you get the fcm, create a network for the FCM’s top 50 features using textplot_network().
  6. Create a dendrogram for the top 100 important features offcm using the cosine-based distance metrics. When clustering the top 100 features, use the co-occurrence information from the entire fcm, i.e., clustering these top 100 features according to all their co-occurring words within the window size.
  • A sub-sample of the fcm (After removing stopwords, the FCM dimensions are 4903 by 4903:
  • Network of the top 50 features (Try to play with the aesthetic specifications of the network so that the node sizes reflect the total frequency of each word in the FCM):

  • The dimension of the input FCM for textstats_simil() should be: 100 rows and 4903 columns.

  • Example of the dendrogram:


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